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Help your Teen be a STAR-R: Job interview tips

Have you ever gone into a new situation, such as a job interview and felt overwhelmed? Did you leave the interview feeling that your answers were not the best? What about your job history, was there any on your resume that was even close to this hopeful new position? Well, as adults, we have learned to prepare for such moments and through experience we know how to prepare and do our best.

Today, millions of young people, even college grads, do not have this world experience and or job history so for them, a job interview can and is often a terrifying experience for a high school teenage to a 24-year-old college graduate.

So, how as their parental leader do you help them solve this problem and overcome their fears?

You can teach them about the STAR-R method. STAR is Situation, Task, Action, Result - and my favorite Reflection. Star questions are perfect for new job seekers, as these are behavior based questions not former job related questions.

Example: If your teen hears, "Tell me a time when" or "Give me an example of a time when you....". Your teen will know that these are behavior question.

S- Tell the interviewer

Situation: Set the scene for what was happening in your example story.

Task: Describe your responsibility in the situation.

Action: Explain the steps you took to address the problem.

Result: Share the outcomes of the actions you took.

  • Finally the last R. Reflection. Always end on a positive note, and have your teen say. Looking back or upon reflection of this event, I have learned to....

  • These question may include motivation, teamwork, a mistake, to a leadership role, to how he or she dealt with a conflict.

For more information please subscribe to the Lead Your Teen podcast on Spotify. Or email me at, Thanks, Christopher S. Mahan

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