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The Power of Volunteering- Teen Job Readiness

Each day more and more teens and young adults are entering the workforce. Sadly, for millions of these would be employees, their social and work readiness skillset is not up to speed with that of their older coworkers. This is a problem for both employers and the young worker. One of the biggest concerns teens have about working is making a mistake and getting fired.

As their parent and the leader to these young people, there is a great way to teach them both soft and hard skills, as well as needed social skills. The power of volunteering teaches your teen the skills of networking, job searching, interviewing and finally working with others and the public. Volunteering is also a safe way to build self-esteem and confidence within your teen. To better prepare your teen for a job and or a volunteering opportunity sign them up for a free customer service class on There your teen can learn the important skills of conflict resolution, to proper phone etiquette.

Volunteering also allows your teen the needed skills to write that first resume and gain professional references. This summer is nearly over, take some time to make use of the last few weeks before school starts back up to give your teen a leg up on the competition.

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Have a great day,

Christopher S. Mahan

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